My terrifying first encounter with trailers.
Read MoreAn ode to summer 2023.
Read MoreAfter serving several years on the Board of Yellow Wood Academy, including two as the Chair, I am excited to start my next role on the Board of Sound Child Care Solutions.
Read MoreToday I emailed a bunch of folks in the office who play guitar about my new office toy. Turns out we need a Guitars of Stritmatter Calendar.
Read MoreAs we head into one of the hottest weekends on record, thousands of people are going to be jumping into the water for relief. I personally love water recreational activities—starting with Scuba diving since age 14 and more recently picking up stand-up paddle-boarding (SUP). But things in the water can go from calm to scary to tragic in a hurry, if we’re not safe.
Read MoreIt’s been an unexpected and challenging year for a lot of parents who have taken on the additional job of homeschool teacher during COVID.
Read MoreSome days we deal with the most asinine arguments from defense attorneys and insurance companies. The punching bag helps (both the office variety and the real one). If at the end of the day that’s not enough, thrash some angry Hendrix.
Read MorePandemic life and the horrors of cutting your own hair.
Read MoreOn September 25, my firm filed a 100-page lawsuit on behalf of a dozen peaceful protesters alleging civil rights violations by the Seattle Police Department.
Read MoreHow many “one hundred year floods” can one generation take? The rise of Millennial Stoicism after a tumultuous adulthood.
Read MoreMy girls love playing I Spy in our back yard, sitting on my hammock. Spending so much time at home, they have gone through almost everything at this point. At least that’s what I thought.
Read MoreThere is always a backlash to progress. The profession sworn to be faithful to the law and systemic fairness is no exception.
Read MoreWhat day of quarantine is it? Heck I don’t even know what day it is at all.
Here’s my mood in guitar form.
Read MoreIn an effort to stay positive about not really leaving the house ever, I’ve come up with some perks about working from home.
Read MoreWidespread school closure creates hardship for many families. Some students rely on school lunches for sustenance. Many parents rely on school for childcare while they work, including healthcare-related workers we desperately need. And many other workers do not have paid sick leave to self-quarantine.
Read MoreI rarely, if ever, get choked up about celebrity deaths. And I didn’t even like Kobe Bryant when he was playing. But learning about what he was doing after he retired, that helicopter crash hit hard.
Read MoreOlyve lost her first tooth on Saturday night, which is good because the new one was already coming in and it looked like a shark tooth lurking in the back.
Sunday morning, I’m in the kitchen filling the Nespresso water tank and trying to get my caffeine fix. Olyve comes downstairs and excitedly says “the tooth fairy left me money!”
Read MoreI recently came across this old photo of 16 year old me rocking my first car, with dog photo-bombing. It reminded me how important perspective is. I freaking LOVED that car. It was so awesome just to be driving.
Read MoreMy 3.5 year old daughter is not from this planet. She has mastered the art of flipping teachable moments in the most agonizing but also hilarious ways. Here are some examples.
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