On the nightly news for civil rights lawsuit--kids still not impressed
Speaking at September 25, 2020 press conference, upon filing civil rights lawsuit.
On September 25, my firm filed a 100-page lawsuit on behalf of a dozen peaceful protesters alleging civil rights violations by the Seattle Police Department. More specifically, the lawsuit alleges that in response to protests against police discrimination and brutality, the SPD has chosen to engage in discrimination and brutality. The SPD has defied conditions of a Federal Consent Decree, ignored local and state law, and violated its own policies, practices and procedures. You can learn more about the case, read the complaint, and view the press conference here. It was a tremendous team effort led by Karen.
KOMO 4 used my little speech on Friday night after displaying protests. My kids’ reaction:
Why are they spraying them in the face?
… oh, that’s baba …
… why were you there, daddy?
Tough crowd. Ever since Ride the Ducks they think it’s normal to have what I do during the day on the TV.
How did I answer the question? Well, that’s for another blog.
We did the press conference at Jimi Hendrix Park. Felt inspired afterward. This is a jam on one of the best songs of all time.