I Spy... A Major Burn From a 4 Year Old
Courtney with my old cat, who never judged me.
My girls love playing I Spy in our back yard, sitting on my hammock. Spending so much time at home, they have gone through almost everything at this point. At least that’s what I thought.
As a reminder, my daughter is a precocious burn-master. See here and here.
It’s 88 degrees. Me and the two girls on the hammock locking around the back yard. It’s the four year old’s turn. “I see something gray,” she says.
Me: Is it those pavers?
Z: No.
Me: Is it those rocks?
Z: No.
Me: How bout those over there?
Z: No.
Me: is it on someone?
Z: Yes.
Me: Is it on me?
Z: Yes.
Me: … (looking down—wearing black swim shorts) …
Z: Smiles.
Me: Is it on my head?
Z: Yes.
Me: Is it a hair?
Z: Yes it’s that hair right there. Or that one.
The next day we are playing again. Same scene. All sitting on the hammock. My 6 y.o. is going. “I spy something black.”
Me: Is it a toy?
O: No.
Me: Is it near us?
O: Yes.
Me: Is it on one of us?
O: Yes.
Me: My swim shorts.
O: No.
Me: My sandals.
O: No.
Me: … my hair?
O: Yes!
Me: (overjoyed she called my hair black, she’s clearly my favorite right now) -
O: In your ear!