In high school and college, I was often unbearably bored. I was bored in ways I didn’t understand or appreciate. And certainly I didn’t understand the meaning of boredom or the importance of being “present.” But because of my boredom I did things that in hindsight I wish I hadn’t done, the tamest of which was thinking it was cool to wear an AC Slater chain with a Dylan McKay earring and haircut. Vaping would have been pretty tame for me too, at age 20.
Read MoreI am at the park with my kids on an unusually chilly July morning. This park is AWESOME. It has a zip line, really big slides and—ok, I’m just the parent.
It’s mid-morning and I hear a pop-pop-pop off in the distance. I think to myself, leftover Fourth of July fireworks. But a part of me wonders—if I were a teenager, would I be up and setting off fireworks on some random morning?
Read MoreIf you’ve had kids or even pets then you probably know the feeling of the little ones slowly encroaching on every corner of the house. Not just being in the space momentarily but basically laying claim to it.
Read MoreUntil recently my repertoire in doing my girls’ hair has been very limited, as in a single pony tail.
Read MoreCourtney gets all the credit.
Read MoreDo you know how often sleeping kids love hearing electric guitar? Pretty much never. I used to have a headphone amp device that made for so-so sound and looked like a walkman on steroids and probably cost $150. Who knew you could get nearly full amp sound with effects in the size of a pack of gum and for the cost of cheap toaster? Now nobody has to hear how rusty I am.
Read MoreIf you’re familiar with the alliterative ABC Dr. Seuss book, you know what the title of this post refers to. Unfortunately, the mice at issue were not making midnight music in the moonlight, but in our attic. The pest control guy said they had accessed the attic from tree branches touching our house.
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